Monday, December 3, 2012

What's With All the Government Security Paranoia - Why Are They Worried?

With all the sound and fury out here in the public domain we have begun to destroy the American psyche. In doing so, we have created a very large number of paranoid people and citizens. In turn, many of the citizens have infiltrated the government, and they no longer trust the people. What we have today is a citizenry that doesn't trust the government, and I might add for good reason, while we have a government which no longer trusts the people in which it is entrusted to serve.

When the government stops protecting the people or serving the people, and moves into a defensive position protecting itself against the people we are in for a real problem. I fear that is happening right now in the United States. Have you ever noticed that the government is busy protecting government facilities, rather than protecting our borders? Why is the government so worried about incidental and ancillary bureaucratic agencies in nondescript buildings?

The reality is they fear they might be attacked by angry citizens. However, why might the citizens be angry? We are supposed to be a government made for and by the people, but as government becomes too large, too centralized, and to overbearing it no longer serves the people, rather it acts as if it is a giant prison system within the borders of our nation. That's not what we signed up for, and that's not what the United States of America is about, as it crushes the ideals brought forth in the formation of this great nation.

On Homeland Security News Wire, there was an interesting article recently titled; "Domestic terrorism by members of extremist groups a serious threat: FBI," published on August 10, 2012 which stated:

"The FBI and other government law-enforcement agencies have been convinced for a while that terrorism from extremist domestic organizations is just as dangerous as terrorism from foreign organizations, but efforts by authorities to detect and pre-empt violent extremists have faced serious legal and political hurdles, including free speech guarantees and push back from political lobbies suspicious of the government's motives."

Right, surely there are groups suspicious of government's motives, but that's not a bad thing, that is a good thing, further, it seems that the FBI, Janet Reno, and others are indeed suspicious of citizen's motives calling American Citizens a bigger threat than foreign terrorist organizations - amazing actually. So, one has to ask why the leadership is so sketchy and paranoid? Do they have something to hide? If so, what is it? You see, we can play this game all day long, the tit-for-tat accusations of threat assessment.

Paranoia is very dangerous - and it is often pervasive in the Machiavellian world of political rhetoric, where no one can trust anyone else. Yes, it's true that trust is difficult to achieve, and hard to obtain, but when that happens organizational capital is diminished, it's every person for themselves in government, and they are always assessing new threats from the outside. In this case those on the outside happen to be all of us citizens.

Perhaps the government needs to stop their insistence on controlling every single aspect of individual citizen's lives. Taking away freedom once it has been granted and guaranteed to our citizens is not a noble thing to do, and it will come with consequences. As merely an observer of the flow of society, having my finger on the pulse of America, I see more storm clouds on the horizon between big government and individual citizens. I don't like what I see, and the trend is very troubling. Perhaps it's time we had regime change here the United States, and got back to being on the same team, and doing what were good at.

Our great nation works better when we have freedom and liberty for all, and legitimate upward mobility for those that perform, or decide to pursue that as part of their inherent rights to chase their own happiness. As we get further and further away from that we will have more and more citizens, and perhaps radicalized ad hoc group who are angry at the government, wishing to take back which has been taken from them and promised to them at their birth - whether actual or merely perceived. Who is really at fault here?

Isn't this unfortunate all this rhetoric further incited by the media which has put unnecessary stress on the minds of the masses? Is it the government which hopes to lead by fear rather than legitimacy or leadership by example? Is it both the citizen's fault for demanding too much, and the government's fault for being too paranoid? Perhaps it's some of all of that, but it's time we get back on the same page, back on the same team, and take the United States to the next level.

Although we are the greatest nation ever created, we can still do better than this - there is a lot of upward potential and room for improvement. Rather than hoping for change, perhaps it's time that we set some goals, got back to our strong foundation and enjoyed another 200 years at the top of the food chain. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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