Monday, December 3, 2012

The Erosion of the Greatest Country Ever Known

My how the world has changed. Upon waking this morning, as I have every morning for the last 41 years, I couldn't help feeling more than a little dismayed after turning on the radio and hearing the latest news; I'm not referring to the entertainment that is passed off as news by the "mainstream media" on a daily basis, but to the real news of the day that will profoundly affect us all from this day forward. Regrettably, the outlets that make up the "mainstream media" are at the very least negligent and more accurately complicit to a significant degree in the decline of the greatest society on planet Earth. Where should we start?

I was born a few short years after the Cuban Missile Crisis and the height of the Vietnam War. I vaguely remember the gas rationing lines of the seventies. With amazing clarity I remember the day the space shuttle exploded, claiming the lives of all those on board, of course. Crista McAuliffe and crew were patriotic and adventurous Americans who wore their love of country and sense of duty on their sleeves in advancing our previously unmatched space program. None of the crew of the space shuttle Challenger were compelled to undertake the mission that resulted in the loss of their lives. Every one of the astronauts aboard the shuttle that day went eagerly and excitedly at the prospects of expanding America's leading role in space exploration.

Sadly, we no longer have an active space program, and the concepts of love of country and sense of duty are disturbingly absent among the malcontents who are shamelessly, and in many instances blindly, besieging scattered cities all over this great country, along with all the radical leftist politicians and others who openly, and very foolishly support them.

The memory of the day that the greatest American president of my lifetime was shot is still fresh in my mind. The world waited with great angst to hear that the leader of the free world would survive, and in fact, profoundly change the world for the betterment of all mankind.

The fall of the Berlin Wall and communism in the old Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are only part of Reagan's broad legacy. The quintessential American president, Reagan not only firmly believed in and embraced the timeless concept of American exceptionalism, he embodied it. A champion of personal liberty and a staunch believer in the power of the individual, the man governed like no other American president, certainly over the last four decades. His policies of slashing both corporate and individual income tax rates for everyone across the board in the mid-eighties led to the most unprecedented and sustained period of economic growth the world has ever seen.

Standing in stark contrast to Reagan, the current president and his administration have pursued and enacted policies that have accelerated the decline of the "shining city on the hill," as Reagan proudly referred to America on many occasions. Barack Obama and his ilk continually espouse the valor and compassion of "the collective," at the expense of every last one of us as individuals. The greatest transfer of wealth in human history is currently being carried out under our noses. We all see it; many of us are attempting to call the administration on it. Unfortunately, what most of President Obama's supporters didn't realize when they elected him in 2008 on his hyper-generic platform of "hope and change," was that the transfer of wealth was not going to happen domestically, but globally. It is not as though I believe that the man's intentions are bad, per se, only that as an ultra-liberal idealist, he is incredibly misguided as are the minions surrounding him. I distinctly recall hearing this man say only days before the election of 2008, "we are days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America, and then the world." I also heard him say that he would kill the coal industry in this country and make it even more difficult for us as Americans to harvest the obscenely abundant natural resources that we were blessed with by our Creator.

In fact, I heard the candidate Obama say many things that most rationally thinking Americans instinctively know to be completely antithetical to who we are as Americans. We older folks who have grown up with a love of history know that the prophetic words of Reagan, "Freedom is not inherited. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, preserved, and handed on to them so that they may do the same," are significantly more profound in the light of current world events. Just within the last twelve months, the following have occurred:

The brutal suicide attempt of a Tunisian produce vendor who amazingly set himself on fire after being harassed by local Tunisian authorities because he didn't have a permit to sell his wares. The uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and in fact the entire Middle East, as well as large parts of Europe, are indeed beginning to manifest themselves here. What is possibly more important here is to remember that President Obama roundly praised the "glorious democracy movement," that is the Arab Spring. The open dialogue of self-declared communists and other Marxist factions within our own current presidential administration and those occupying Wall Street, calling ceaselessly for the dismantling of our largely free-market capitalist economy, by violent means if necessary. As we have been and continue to down-size our nation's military and its capability to operate effectively, Red China has continued to bolster hers over the course of the last couple of decades particularly, culminating recently with the announcement of the arrival of the communist power's first super-carrier. Is China under some sort of imminent threat? Israel has once again been squarely placed in the cross-hairs of radical Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood (not a friend of any freedom-loving American, or Israeli, for that matter) is taking control in Egypt with a sworn stated mission to "wipe out the state of Israel." The news of the emergence of the new Nazi Party now operating in Egypt conjures memories of WWII and the Holocaust, when the Muslim Brotherhood was working closely with Hitler and the Third Reich to eliminate the Jews. It would seem as though those two historic allies have once again joined forces in their calls to eradicate the Jews. A particular fundamental Islamist group, banned almost everywhere in the world for their extreme fundamental and Jihadist practices and beliefs, recently conducted a conference in Chicago, Illinois (not to be confused with Chicago, Pakistan), on the imminence of the new Islamic Caliphate (for those not aware, the term caliphate literally means Islamic dominance over the world, or large parts of it). We see it beginning with a widely displayed aggressiveness in openly and adamantly proclaiming their wishes to destroy Israel. The Peoples Republic of Iran recently admitted to their leaders' intentions to launch warships to "shadow" the American coast. Ask yourself, for what purpose, exactly? These paragons of tolerance and peace are dangerously close to having functional nuclear weapons, and most of the rational world knows that they will in fact use them. Of course, our ally in the Middle East, Israel, also knows this all too well. The president of the United States is currently granting back-door amnesty to tens, if not hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens with the dual intent of further crippling the US economy (and that of the world, by extension), while also clearly trying to "buy" votes. All the while, our southern border is a warzone ran by vicious drug cartels, who, by the way are working with militant Islamists who know that they can infiltrate this country with relative ease. Because the administration has turned a blind eye to the absolutely frightening activities taking place on the border, sovereign states along the border have been forced to either enforce existing laws, or to draft new legislation to give them the power to defend the citizens of those states. Strangely, all of these border states currently being overrun by the conditions along the border are being strongly criticized, and in fact sued by the federal government for taking actions that are, in essence, the primary responsibility of the United States government. We have sitting governors of American states suggesting quite candidly and openly that maybe we should "suspend the elections, just for a couple of years." Governor Bev Perdue went on to say that we shouldn't hold these lawmakers responsible for their actions while they do what is needed to right the ship.

Yes, there were a few primary news outlets broadcasting the significant events of the day when I was young, but it is impossible to deny that the news of our current day is exponentially more prevalent and telling of a world seemingly teetering on the brink of cataclysmic demise of sorts. So bleak are the implications, seemingly compounded almost daily, and certainly on a regular weekly basis, that it is increasingly difficult to be optimistic of much. As dark as the last few pages of this article are, there are indeed things to be optimistic about, and I will mention some of those at the conclusion of this piece in an attempt to illuminate the hopeful vibe that seems to be catching among my conservative friends and neighbors.

Before I begin passing out the sunshine and lollypops though, I need to take a minute to address the horribly oppressed and grossly under-privileged souls that are continuing to cost the taxpayers of the state of New York, as well as the business owners in the areas of these various occupations obscene amounts of money at a time when so many of this nation's states are in extreme financial distress. Of course we know that the intent of those who have indeed orchestrated this "grass-roots" movement is to "overwhelm the system," theoretically inducing the fall of capitalism and the American economic system as we know it. One may be inclined to laugh at these fools then quickly dismiss them. I would humbly suggest that one should not dismiss these people. They are incredibly dangerous; moreover, the more tragic reality may well be the blissful ignorance of the young college twenty-something who has no real idea why he or she is there.

These idealistic young fools (of whom I once was) in their call for Marxism, communism, or simply something other than what has fueled this country for in excess of 230 years, have no real conception of what they ask for. Statism in all its forms is characterized by out-of-control tyrants dictating (indeed engineering) public policy. Private property rights as you and I know them simply do not exist in statist societies. Political dissent and opposition are mere fantasy in Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela, Ahmadinejad's Iran, Kim Jung Il's North Korea, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, and etc.

Another staple and common element of these regimes (one and all) is crushing tax burdens to finance a massive central government. This is true without exception. Bloated bureaucratic expansion and fiscal suicide inevitably ensue. The prophetic words of Rousseau ring true in the end: (paraphrasing) "the welfare state will ultimately and invariably collapse under its own massive weight." How such an astute claim could be controversial or ambiguous is beyond my meager intelligence. With a firm understanding of the dangers of statism, how could anyone in clear conscience, or better yet, in one's own interest, support such a flawed ideology?

The good news my friends (conservative and liberal alike) is that there are a great many of us who grasp the obvious implications of an erosion of the greatest country the world has ever seen. Those of us who are aware will continue to fight the good fight with resolve and courage. We do not have to be overtaken by communist China in terms of our economy or our standing in the world; furthermore, we will not cow-tow to anyone suggesting that Sharia Law has any place in the American justice system. We will not assume a submissive position in terms of safeguarding our borders. We refuse to allow the Marxist and openly communist factions of this country to tax our babies into economic servitude. There is indeed an unexpected miracle of sorts in the midst of all this mess: people are becoming increasingly more engaged. The collective overreach of our nation's capital has thankfully awakened a sleeping giant.

It is time to decide which side of the fence one is on. There is a monumental battle about to unfold in this country. This will in all honesty be the fight of our generation. As the man once said: "Freedom is only one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in our bloodstream. It must be protected, preserved, and fought for so that we may pass it on to them to do the same." As he was on so many occasions, Reagan could not have been more correct, and somewhat prophetic given today's political climate. This is what things have come to. I would encourage my freedom-loving friends to work on our endurance. The fight is on. It is likely to be brutal, but in the end my friends, we win.

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